Media Coverage: Paper, Radio, TV…
Since 2014 we have received press coverage in newspaper, radio and TV reports…
Since 2014 we have received press coverage in newspaper, radio and TV reports…
Should Christians get involved in the controversy? The Church in Scripture is called the Pillar of the Truth. We must involve ourselves with the truth!
These are the give away leaflets we have handed out at our public rallies in support of Israel.
In these four videos the question is answered clearly as to who has sovereign right over the Land.
The resources will help educate people so that the truth around the conflict is made quite clear. The truth is never complicated. People trying to avoid it complicate things.
The following clip illustrates the folly in the UN Security Council Resolution 2334 on 24 Dec. 2016.
We felt it was important to acknowledge and celebrate publicly the 70th anniversary of the birth of the Modern State of Israel. The birth of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948 was a miracle. Her continued survival is also a miracle – all good cause for celebration.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was a stab in the back for Israel and a stab in the heart of people like me. Our response didn’t pull any punches.
We had to make a good rally in the heart of our city Hastings on this day. Anti-Israel protesters had a momentum of hatred and deceit through NZ, so on this day we countered that.
The Israeli Ambassador was invited to speak at the NZ Institute of International Affairs on this day—which happened to be during the heated Gaza War.