The lessons of the Holocaust can only be fully understood in the light of the Holy Scrpitures. This book will teach you:
- The tragedy was no surprise to the prophets of Israel
- The Lord gave clear warning in advance
- The outrage that occurred was not because of divine retribution against
the Jews, but rather it was a sinister plot of satanic forces who wanted to
destroy the embryonic Jewish State before it was born - The death throes of a people became the birth pains of their statehood
- The resurrection of Israel in 1948 heralded the soon return of Jesus Christ
- And much more…
“The ground that was soaked with so much Jewish blood has become sacred ground. The era of this enormous tragedy has also become sacred. I have received a mandate from Heaven to report comprehensively on what God has to say about that era. It is my duty to God to report on the Holocaust from His book.” – Pastor Nigel Woodley
The book is about the modern journey of the Jewish people, and their plight during the Nazi Holocaust of Hitler’s Europe.
The book covers the period from the end of the nineteenth century right through to the present day, but particularly focuses on the turbulent years of the Second World War.
The reader is given a good grounding of the events that led up to the Holocaust, as well as the Holocaust itself and the events that followed it. Sound facts and figures, as well as personal testimonies, all give the book muscle, adding strength and weight to the subject matter. The spine that holds everything together is the prophetic Scripture of the Bible.
- I Would Not Have You Ignorant.
- Twentieth-century Haman.
- Flee From the Land of the North.
- The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.
- Nothing Like It.
- Where Was God?
- The Desert of the Nations
- Alas! I Am Fainting.
- The Death Cry of thousands
- The Fierce Anger of the Lord.
- The Lord of Armies.
- From Death Pains to Birth Pains.
- The Resurrection of Israel.
- The Age of Redemption and the Coming of Messiah.
- Never Again.
- Israel, Come Home!
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