The Israeli Ambassador was invited to speak at the NZ Institute of International Affairs on this day—which happened to be during the heated Gaza War. A Napier City Councillor had organised a protest down the end of Campbell Street where the Ambassador was due to speak. We organised a Pro-Israel rally at the opposite end of the street with a Police cordon very visible. The Ambassador’s vehicle by-passed the anti-Israel rally down the road and passed our rally to great cheers and waving of Israeli flags and the signing of Ha Tikva—the Israeli National Anthem. The Ambassador smiled and waved on his way past.
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One Response
Heh Ambassador needs armored car for protection. I’d say democracy is not perfect but probably the most effective government form. If all votes belong to people, then even if they the masses are wrong at some point, it doesn’t really mater because that’s just evolution. And to evolve and learn you first have to fail. So democracy makes human kind evolve as a whole.