On Wednesday 18 September 2024, the United Nations General Assembly ganged up against Israel once again. A Palestinian sponsored resolution backed by many of Israel’s traditional enemies including the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and others, voted for a resolution calling for Israel to vacate her indigenous lands within twelve months. The most offensive part of the resolution stated:
Page 4 (i) Israel is not entitled to sovereignty over or to exercise sovereign powers in any part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory on account of its occupation, nor can Israel’s security concerns override the principle of the prohibition of the acquisition of territory by force,
Page 5 (ii) Demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which constitutes a wrongful act of a continuing character entailing its international responsibility, and do so no later than 12 months from the adoption of the present resolution;
The full text of the resolution n2426648.pdf (un.org)
This is a disgraceful betrayal of the historical truth which clearly testifies to Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank, being an integral part of the heartland of the Land of Israel. By ignoring Israel’s claims to this land the UN has aborted any chance of a fair negotiated deal between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and they have set the world on a collision course with the God of Israel who will bring the nations of the world to account for this injustice to Israel as stated in the prophet Joel:
Joel 3:1-2 NKJV
“For behold, in those days and at that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, [2] I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land.
What is bad for New Zealanders is that our current government has voted with the antisemites and added Aotearoa New Zealand with the other nations lining up for the judgement of God.
Here is the UN voting card:

As spokesperson for the Coalition of Ministers Supporting Israel I initiated a press release to show our abhorrence at what our Minister of Foreign Affairs had allowed:

We emailed Winston Peters and the Prime Minister:
Rt Hon Christopher Luxon:
Dear Prime Minister,
I am disgusted at New Zealand’s vote at the United Nations on Wednesday which called for Israel to withdraw from the DISPUTED Territories within the next twelve months. How ridiculous! Israel is in the midst of an existential war for its survival and the best we can offer them is ‘get out of your ancestral, historical and indigenous lands by this time next year or else!’
The NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to have an overhaul. Why is New Zealand not voting in line with its traditional military allies – the UK, the US, Australia and Canada? None of them voted “yes” in this absurd resolution. It is a biased and antisemitic resolution initiated by the corrupt Palestinian Authority, and MFAT knows it, but in order to think purely of economics we have once again sold the truth for a lie.
I pray that this government will have an appraisal of its policy for the Middle East. It is currently wrong.
With respect,
Nigel Woodley
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A Call to Prayer & Intercession
For people of Faith like me it is imperative that we pray for God’s mercy upon our nation after aligning ourselves with the “GOAT” nations mentioned in Matthew 25:31-46. Pray both for God’s mercy – i.e., a withholding of God’s judgement from us, and pray for a turn around in our Foreign policy. Why a liberal democracy like ours would depart from other traditional allies like the US, Canada, the UK and Australia, and vote with nations who have authoritarian and dictatorial governments is beyond belief. It was another betrayal of the New Zealand Government to watch over our foreign policy with integrity and honesty.
On that same day in Hastings at a special meeting to honor the Israeli Ambassador to NZ, His Excellency Ran Yaakoby, we had presented him with a pen with this inscription – “From New Zealanders who stand with Israel”. We had deliberately chosen our words knowing that NZ governments could as they had done before stab Israel in the back. Otherwise we would have written “From New Zealand which stands with Israel”. We didn’t realize that within hours of our presentation that our prophetic statement would be proven the correct choice of words.

4 Responses
i have already asked winston peters to avoid lowering New Zealand to the level of the leader of the green party!!
We are living in the end times when Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right they have exchanged Sweet for Bitter and Bitter for Sweet, just as the OT said they would! The Prophets of the Old Testament who prophesied the End Times wrote under the power of The Holy Spirit! We need not be surprised at Israel being hated after all they are the Apple of God’s eye! There is chaos everywhere and New Zealand at the bottom of the World, far flung as it is is is in chaos also! Truth is exchanged for lies and lies for truth! Even the supposedly good U.N. has its hands tied, as it should over Israel! Senior Gueterres appears an antisemite by his rhetoric! The foreign secretary needs to think again! and fast because he is WRONG!
Thank you for not publishing my email address and No I don’t have a Website
I expect nothing less from leaders (Luxon, Winston and Seymore) who are trying to remove the treaty rights from Aotearoa.