We have been collaborating with Apostle Brian Tamaki of Destiny so that we can together offer a major counter to a pro-Palestinian rally expected at Parliament Grounds on Thursday 7 December. Their aim is to pressure the new Government to call for an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas War. Such a ceasefire will play into the hands of the terrorists who have vowed to repeat October 7 again and again and again. Israel is left with no alternative but to eliminate an existential threat by a ruling entity who will not negotiate with Israel, will not recognize Israel, and whose express aim is the destruction of the State of Israel.
Here is the Report of the Rally
The pro-Palestinian rally organizers backed out after they heard that Apostle Brian and his supporters were going to be on Parliament grounds at the same time. I was honored to be a part of the rally as were members of my Church.
Two buses from Hastings joined the rally: one from Iwi Tapu Destiny Church led by Pastors Michael and Jewel Ngahuka, and the other bus led by the Flaxmere Christian Fellowship. We joined a crowd of about 600-700, the biggest pro-Israel rally on Parliament I have ever witnessed. Both Brian Tamaki’s and my message were the same: it would be premature to call for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war before all Israeli hostages have been returned to Israel, and before the Hamas dictatorial rule of Gaza has come to an end.
It seems our message was carried from the forecourt of Parliament into the Parliament chamber itself as our 1:00-1:45 PM rally was followed at 2:00 PM by a long discussion inside the House by MPs for and against. We are glad the Government is holding to its stance not to call for a ceasefire until fair and reasonable conditions have been met.
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