On Tuesday16 May, 15 people travelled down from the Flaxmere Christian Fellowship in Hastings in three vehicles to Parliament. We went to protest against a petition being presented on Parliament’s steps calling for immediate recognition of a Palestinian state. We laid out the reasons clearly why no recognition should be given and unfortunately had to interject their narrative when they began to tell lies about the State of Israel. Unfortunately we may have appeared rude to our opponents because of our interjections. However, Gazan rockets being sent into Israel are much more rude, as are the calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, as is the refusal to sit down at the negotiating table and come to a deal with the Israelis. All of these and other points being reasons why New Zealand should not be recognizing Palestinian statehood at this time.
Our Message was Clear:

The Post – Wellington

The Wednesday report lacked content about the opposition to the petition. After approaching the Chief Editor who was very cooperative, they published the follow-up story in the Friday edition