As we rolled into Christmas Eve 2016 we were beginning to wind down after a busy year. But news came that would put that on hold as we would have to wind up again for another round in what we have now become familiar with—protesting on Israel’s behalf. This one would be our most important to date. Radio New Zealand was reporting that a new anti-Israel Resolution (2334) had been passed through the U N Security Council outlawing any Jewish settlement in either the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) and East Jerusalem. This covers the heart of the Bible land promised to the Jewish People as an everlasting possession (Gen. 17:8). It also covers the jewel in the crown—the ancient biblical city of Jerusalem. What made things much worse was that the Resolution had been co-sponsored and pushed through by New Zealand in their final week on the Security Council. This meant that according to International law no Jew would be allowed to live on his historical, ancestral and Biblical heartland.
What was supposed to be Christmas cheer for us was turned into outrage. I quickly drew up a Press Release condemning completely what Israeli PM Netanyahu described as “The Evil Decree”. On behalf of my home Church and our many other supporters, including 11,685 people who signed the Parliamentary petition For the Protection of Zion in 2015, we condemned outright UN Security Council Resolution 2334. The resolution among other things stated that, “the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law”.
Our full response came six days later—this time chartering two buses from the Flaxmere Christian Fellowship down to Parliament for a symbolic action condemning the resolution before a good media presence. We got National coverage via newspaper, radio and television for our efforts.
Short clip – Watch this:
Learn a lot more – documentary:
Handout at the Parliament rally:
Local News Reports: