There are two different books for sale. The book on the Holocaust is available as a Paperback as well as an eBook.
There are two different books for sale. The book on the Holocaust is available as a Paperback as well as an eBook.
In less than one minute listen to quick answers to important questions.
Public testimony to some of the things we have achieved in speaking up for the Protection of Zion!
This is video teaching on the modern miracle of the rebirth of national statehood for the people of Israel
Video Teaching presented over three nights in 2019 about the secular historical and the biblical prophetic accounts of the Holocaust.
Should Christians get involved in the controversy? The Church in Scripture is called the Pillar of the Truth. We must involve ourselves with the truth!
In these four videos the question is answered clearly as to who has sovereign right over the Land.
The resources will help educate people so that the truth around the conflict is made quite clear. The truth is never complicated. People trying to avoid it complicate things.