There are two different books for sale.
1. HOLOCAUST – The Biblical Account of the Jewish Tragedy
The Biblical account of the Holocaust, the tragedy that befell the Jewish people in the Second World War, can be purchased in the following formats:

HOLOCAUST EXPOSED – The Biblical Account of the Jewish Tragedy

HOLOCAUST EXPLORED – The Biblical Account of the Jewish Tragedy
The following book was written to counter “Replacement theology” – the idea that Israel no longer has a relevant place in covenant relationship with God, which is wrong:
2. MODERN ISRAEL is still Biblical Israel
Originally a dissertation which gained Nigel Woodley his Ph.D., it has now been designed as an eBook to answer “Replacement Theology”. It was written to counter the false teaching within Christendom which wrongly suggests that the Church has not only replaced, but also supplanted the people and nation of Israel in God’s covenant promises. This book will prove otherwise!