News surfaced in Wellington’s The Post on Tuesday 16 May 2023 that a Wellington City Councilor had filed an official notice calling for Wellington City to recognize “Palestine”. The day of the breaking news happened to be the same day that a group of MPs were receiving a petition on Parliament grounds which called for the NZ Government to give formal recognition also. I got wind of it in Shannon where I had stopped for a quick cuppa with 14 other supporters of Israel who were traveling down to Parliament to protest the petition. This led to an intense campaign by For the Protection of Zion which involved emailing every member of Parliament as well as every Wellington City Councilor. The campaign as of the date of writing is culminating with the full page advertorial being placed in Stuff’s The Post, the capital newspaper in Wellington. Other advocates for Israel are also lobbying local and central government. Following is a report of our involvement:
The Post Report Tuesday 16 May 2023

Email sent out to Mayor Tory Whanau on 28 May 2023
Dear Mayor Whanau,
I write to you out of grave concern because I have heard your Council is about to discuss recognition of the State of Palestine. I ask you to please oppose this for the following reasons:
You cannot recognise a terrorist state. Here are some bullet points which I can corroborate with references if requested as to why recognising “Palestine” plays into the hands of their terrorist leaders in Hamas, and their corrupt leaders within the Palestinian Authority who incite their people to murder innocent Israelis:
- They fire rockets indiscriminately into Israeli population centres
- They call for the destruction of Israel – it is in the Hamas charter and the Palestinian Authority speak of the future liberation of all Palestine (State of Israel)
- They refuse to negotiate with the Israelis, although this was a precondition of statehood as outlined in the Oslo Accords of 1993
- They refuse to acknowledge Israel as the Jewish State
- They incite their people to murder Jews and promote antisemitism in their education system
- They refuse to renounce terrorism
- They reward terrorist murderers with “pay for slay” where those murdering innocent Israelis are given rich financial rewards which also become incentives to carry out such attacks
- They make erroneous and false claims against the people and land of Israel, completely denying the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land
Wellington acknowledgement of such statehood will be an affirmation of all these things and will make the capital city culpable for what follows. Recognition under these circumstances plays into the hands of the terrorist leaders who will be emboldened by your support. It will not bring about peace but will perpetuate the conflict. The Palestinians need to be pressured to go back to the negotiating table to make a peace deal with Israel, and not to be rewarded with recognition for their terrorism and intransigence. The Palestinians are deliberately bypassing direct talks with the Israelis as they had agreed to do and are finding a way forward through nations who do not appreciate what is actually at stake.
I am asking you to refuse recognition of Palestinian statehood. Instead, the message should be conveyed to them that they must work it out with the Israelis. I also want to make the following plain, as the Palestinian propaganda has been effective in deceiving the naive: Israel is not an apartheid state – it is a liberal democracy where Jews, Christians and Muslims are treated better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East.
As well as this, I do not believe the Wellington City Council should be meddling in international affairs as this is the role of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The city you are considering becoming a twin city of (Ramallah) is a hotbed for terrorists and of anti-Israel activity. Is this really what you want Wellington our capital to be united with?
Please do not support this.
Email sent to Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta on 24 May 2023
Dear Minister Mahuta,
I write to you out of grave concern because I have heard you are about to push for recognition of the State of Palestine. This cannot be. You cannot recognise a terrorist state. Here are good reasons why recognition of “Palestine” plays into the hands of their terrorist leaders in Hamas, and their corrupt leaders with the Palestinian Authority who incite their people to murder innocent Israelis:
- They fire rockets indiscriminately into Israeli population centres
- They call for the destruction of Israel – it is in the Hamas charter and the Palestinian Authority speak of the future liberation of all Palestine (State of Israel)
- They refuse to negotiate with the Israelis, although this was a condition of statehood as outlined in the Oslo Accords of 1993
- They refuse to acknowledge Israel as the Jewish State
- They incite their people to murder Jews and compare Jews to pigs in their education system
- They refuse to renounce terrorism
- They reward terrorist murderers with “pay for slay” where those murdering innocent Israelis are given rich financial rewards which also become incentives to carry out such attacks
- They make erroneous and false claims against the people and land of Israel, completely denying the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land
A New Zealand acknowledgement of such statehood will be an affirmation of all these things and will make us culpable for what follows. Recognition under these circumstances plays into the hands of the terrorist leaders who will be empowered by such support from New Zealand. It will not bring about peace but will end in a full scale war. The Palestinians need to be pressured to go back to the negotiating table to make a peace deal with Israel, and not to be rewarded with recognition for their terrorism and intransigence. The Palestinians are deliberately bypassing direct talks with the Israelis as they had agreed to do and are finding a way forward through nations who do not appreciate what is actually at stake.
I am asking you to refuse recognition of Palestinian statehood. Instead, the message should be conveyed to them that they must work it out with the Israelis. I also want to make the following plain, as the Palestinian propaganda has been effective in deceiving the naive: Israel is not an apartheid state – it is a liberal democracy where Jews, Christian and Muslims are treated better in Israel than anywhere else in the Middle East.
Minister Mahuta, please hear my plea for clear-minded and rational thinking. Please do not empower nor reward the terrorists who are hell-bent on the destruction of Israel!
2 Responses
I support Nigel Woodley and his efforts to have NZ Govt to establish a formal relationship with Israel and of course your stand with Wellington Council. I am a South Auckland resident and would think there is a National Body of City Mayors with whom you could expand support on a National basis and of course back Nigel’s effort.
I am an observer and advocate for truth concerning the right of Israel to remain as a sovereign state officially recognized in 1948. Since then there has been an unlimited tirade of ignorance spewed over Israel’s right to exist. I cannot and will not accept the ignorance of politicians who follow a misled group of intimidators to denounce the historical recognition of Israel who, like us as a democracy, supports any initiative to maintain peace. But for politicians who don’t represent their constituents’ values and beliefs and stand up for a terrorist state called “Palestine” who call for a destruction of Israel in all forms of violence and antisemitism belies belief. Totally, a wrong attitude festering on lies and misconceptions. I attended a rally supporting Israel’s right to exist and was shocked by the naivete: so amusingly simple of politicians from 2 parties condemning Israel’s peaceful concerns. It is obvious to me that to back a terrorist and not a peace keeping supporter is sheer nonsense. Huge benefits could be gained by our government to support Israel for its economic expertise and technology by sending an embassy to Jerusalem and so lead other nations to win greater prosperity. May wisdom prevail.